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Spare Parts & Service


Clyde Bergemann take great pride in the products and solutions we offer and we are here to support your plant’s journey from the planning phase, to commissioning and throughout it’s entire lifespan.

Our services, knowledge and experience are utilised to provide optimal support, tailored specifically to individual customer requirements. From spare parts to surveys, maintenance and training – we cover your needs.

Spare Parts

Our equipment operates in challenging conditions and the expected wear and tear necessitates the requirement to ensure the correct spare parts are utilised in the maintenance of the plant. We hold stock of our own parts and parts for a variety of other boiler cleaning equipment brands – ready for speedy delivery to ensure the continued availability and operation of the plant.

Spare Parts


Start up
Kits for new installations
Consultation for the selection of spare parts (one-off or periodic)
Support (frame) contracts
Consignment stock
Supply of spare parts for a variety of boiler cleaning equipment brands
Upgrades & optimisation
FEED study & designated solutions
Process and equipment optimisation
Control systems


Start up
Installation & commissioning
Training of operators & maintenance personnel (start-up support)
Inspections - on demand or periodic
Maintenance & outage support
Troubleshooting - on site and remote
Full maintenance contracts
Service of other boiler cleaning OEM equipment
Support (frame) contracts
Training operators & maintenance personnel (on-site & off-site)
Upgrades & optimisation
Inspection surveys and detailed analysis
FEED study & designated solutions
Process and equipment optimisation
Control systems


With experienced engineers available worldwide, our specialists are there when you need them, offering a full range of services to help keep your plant operating at optimised efficiency.

For almost 100 years we have been maintaining all makes of on-load boiler cleaning systems throughout the world, building our reputation for quick response times, quality of work and continued long term partnerships with our customers. We also provide support, for the operation of materials handling systems for dry bottom ash and sustainable energy recovery heat exchange systems. Testimonials and referrals are a key indicator of our reputation in the market and the quality of the services we provide.

We firmly believe that customer service should be quick and reliable. With our large number of experts in the field, you’re guaranteed:

• A quick response, we have teams available globally
• Service workshops at a range of locations worldwide
• Reliable and efficient after sales service by regularly trained specialists
• Occupational safety in all the work we carry out, to the latest standards
• Reduced administrative procedures at ordering and payment stages
• Short repair response times
• Short lead times
• Fixed cost for annual budgeting purposes
• High availability guarantee

Viridor logoTestimonial

I can only praise the Engineers sent to site for their knowledge, expertise and hard work. With every issue found they have come up with the correct diagnosis, repair plan and carried out repairs with diligence and competence…On a more administrative level I have received excellent support from Clyde Bergemann with respect to what parts we need (critical spares, preventative maintenance parts, tools and documentation). Service reports are always thorough and informative with detailed information of work carried out and recommendations of tasks to be carried out, parts to order and equipment to monitor closely.

Mechanical Engineer, Viridor

Viridor logoTestimonials

I can only praise the Engineers sent to site for their knowledge, expertise and hard work. With every issue found they have come up with the correct diagnosis, repair plan and carried out repairs with diligence and competence…On a more administrative level I have received excellent support from Clyde Bergemann with respect to what parts we need (critical spares, preventative maintenance parts, tools and documentation). Service reports are always thorough and informative with detailed information of work carried out and recommendations of tasks to be carried out, parts to order and equipment to monitor closely.
Mechanical Engineer, Viridor

We service all equipment and can also help with a variety of boiler efficiency issues including:

General Plant Issues

Increased flue gas temperatures
Blocked passes
Over or under cleaning
Thermal shock
Boiler tube failures corrosion/erosion

Request a quote

Do you want to enquire about our Spare Parts and Services? Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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