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Our social responsibility

Everything we do is about limiting damage to the planet and bringing innovation to the energy supply industry.

We work constantly to innovate our products, solutions and services that will provide our energy-supply and related customers with state-of-the-art technologies to enable the global energy industry to meet its growing demands for clean energy, as well as adhere to ever-evolving stringent regulation. We exist to empower energy engineers so they can have the impact that really matters, which is the ability to combine our vital economic growth with the sustainability we need for the future.

We know the global demand for electricity is forecast to grow 70% by 2050 (Statista). And we know the world’s population will also grow, by two billion people. There will be growth in the demands for food, water and energy. But the global energy industry, as it is today, is unable to meet these needs entirely sustainably.

Our role is to continue with our focus on innovation and engineering excellence, accompanying the energy industry on its path of transformation, as responsibly and sustainably as possible. This means striving to continually improve our products and services, always with our eye on the long-term security of energy supply; and our commitment to enabling more cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions, ensuring plants run cleaner and healthier than ever, as well as helping to increase the grip on global waste.

130+ countries supplied with our equipment 500,000+ cleaning devices sold in the last 25 years 5000+ plants across a range of industries worldwide


We’ve saved


of CO2 this year

Carbon Neutrality

The energy transition is coming, but right now, we are in the transition phase; and, for the moment, we continue with the need to run fossil fuel power plants. But it is our responsibility to ensure these plants run cleaner, more intelligently and with increased carbon neutrality, while the world still burns fossil fuels. We use our state-of-the-art boiler cleaning systems to do that.

Clyde Bergemann cleaning solutions decrease the CO2 emissions of fossil fuel power plants in Germany, by up to  2 million metric tons of CO2 p.a. –  the equivalent of more than half a million transatlantic flights.

Providing eco-friendly solutions to support plants

Whilst the world still burns fossil fuels, we help to make conventional power plants run to an eco-conscious model with our developed boiler cleaning systems that adapt flexibly to varying deposit situations.

Thanks to our SMART Clean and intelligent control systems, we are able to make fossil fuel power plants so efficient that CO2 emissions are reduced and water consumption significantly decreased.

Our technologies and focus on process efficiency transform all industries we support, ensuring optimised, more efficient and low-emission operation, guaranteeing extended operating periods and improved boiler efficiency, with significantly less use of water.

Up to


million tons per year CO2 savings through our systems in Germany.
Up to


metric tons of fossil fuel saved each year per plant, the equivalent of 180 lorries worth*.

*based on typical 800 MW plant 

Up to


million litres of water are saved per plant each year, thanks to our dry bottom ash handling technology*.

*based on typical 800 MW plant

Supporting the waste-to-energy industry

Our planet faces a significant waste problem, with over two billion tons of waste produced each year, the equivalent in weight of 20,000 cargo ships. By 2050, global waste is predicted to grow to 3.4 billion tons.

We support customers in the waste-to-energy sector to enable their reduction of landfill and their plants to run more reliably and safely. The reliability of our on-load cleaning systems is so effective that they mitigate boiler fouling during the plant’s operation, ensuring continuous waste-to-energy production.


We are also constantly expanding our commitment in the area of CO2-neutral biomass. Biomass plants play an important role for the development of sustainable energy systems and are gaining increasing importance all over the world. We have developed a number of first-class products and services for biomass plants that satisfy increasing demand and are a genuine contributor to the energy generation mix.

Our Commitment

Our world needs an answer to the current energy situation and the energy transition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and secure our sustainable future. While we are in this transition phase, and beyond, we are committed to continually innovate to limit the negative impact of greenhouse gas emissions as we work towards a CO2-neutral energy industry.

All our work, our global partnerships and diverse portfolio, pave the way towards a more sustainable future. 100 years ago we served steam locomotive providers, now, and in decades to come, we will serve the energy providers of the future, always with our focus on the achievement of global sustainability.

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