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Industrial Supplier Clyde Bergemann to Sell Successfully Pulp & Paper Segment While Focusing on Core Business of Emission Reduction for the Power Industry

Clyde Bergemann Power Group, headquartered in Wesel, Germany, has been active in the area of power plant on-load boiler cleaning for almost 100 years and is one of the global market leaders in this field. The key components and systems developed by CBPG allow for efficient, safe and particularly low-emission operation of power plants as well as waste incineration and petrochemical facilities. After the successful restructuring of the group’s US and European operations over the past years, along with an expansion in the Asian market, both shareholders and the management aim to position the group for its future course with the sale of the pulp & paper segment: “High-performance products for the global power industry are our special strength. Especially in a market that is experiencing major changes, our goal is to ensure that fossil fuel-based power can be supplied safely, reliably and with as little CO2 emissions as possible”, says Dr. Christian Mueller, President & CEO of CBPG, “We are convinced that our segment specializing in cleaning systems for black liquor-fired boilers in the pulp & paper industry will continue on its success path under its new owner.”

The pulp & paper segment has experienced particularly strong growth in South America. The new company will operate as Clyde Industries and consist of six subsidiaries in the USA, Canada, Columbia, Brazil, Finland and Indonesia with long-standing experience in their respective pulp & paper markets. Clyde Industries will be headquarted in Atlanta, Georgia.

The repositioned Clyde Bergemann Power Group will consist of twelve subsidiaries worldwide with a total revenue within the triple-digit million range and will be managed by Clyde Bergemann Management GmbH. As a key supplier of components, it will support power plant operators in improving process efficiency and reducing emissions. It will continue to act as a technology leader and global partner for retrofitting and new construction in the fossil fuel-based power industry and at the same time benefit from the globally increasing demand for biomass plants, environmentally-friendly waste incineration facilities and similar installations in the petrochemical industry.

“With new funds for investments based on a solid product and financing structure, we are optimally positioned for a demanding international market, the challenges of digital transformation and the further expansion of our business operations”, says Dr. Christian Mueller.

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